How about a credit card without ever having to put cash on it?

Would a credit card enhance your quality of life? Allow you to take that dream vacation or complete the perfect home renovation!

Are you looking to build your credit but do not qualify for a low interest credit card? Bad credit has the potential to hold one back from so much.

FEL Canada offers credit cards to owners of paid-out cars that are less than 8 years old. The way it works is that you put up your collateral and we provide you with a prepaid credit card for any of your financial needs. The requirements are easy, and the process is simple. Apply for a loan and just watch how easy it is to build your credit through our prepaid credit cards.

Life is often hard and messy. We do not want to make it any harder for you. And that is why we are here with enough loan products that will service any need you may have.

Apply Today or Get In Touch With One of Our Loan Officers.